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Gasbag Matrose

Joined: 06 March 2007
Online Status: Offline Posts: 15
Posted: 12 August 2007 at 04:36 | IP Logged
Does anyone know how to fix the St. Nazaire base bug that seems to be present in stock SH III (1.4b)? Any time that I've started a 7th Flotilla career in September 1940 the base mysteriously disappears from my map after I've left the harbour. When I've expended all my torpedoes & BDU orders me back to base; I find that I have to "cheat" & hit the return to base option (what's known as "The Magic Carpet Ride") as I can't remember where exactly St. Nazaire is on the map & it's no longer marked. This bug seems to resolve itself in careers started in October 1940 & after. I've hunted everywhere (no pun intended) for the solution & the only info that I can find is on the SH III community help manual & that info is about as clear as mud.
If you can help me with this I'd really appreciate it. I need to know what file to open & what data to change. I have the Flotilla 1.44 mod (fixes some historical flotilla errors) but that doesn't fix this bug. I've tried the Ubi forums & found that to be a truly experience! They seem to be mostly populated by immature people who just want to flame one another.
Thanks for your time...
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Panther44 Bootsmannmaat

Joined: 07 August 2006 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 251
Posted: 15 August 2007 at 23:33 | IP Logged
Hi Gasbag
Sorry but I don't know the answer to your question. However I didn't want you to think that no one is listening. Have you tried
__________________ There are no roses on a sailors grave,
No lillies on an ocean wave,
The only tribute is a seagulls sweep,
And the teardrop that a sweetheart weeps.
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Gasbag Matrose

Joined: 06 March 2007
Online Status: Offline Posts: 15
Posted: 18 August 2007 at 21:13 | IP Logged
Thanks for the link & for trying to help. If I can't find the answer I guess that I'll just have to live with this bug.
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Panther44 Bootsmannmaat

Joined: 07 August 2006 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 251
Posted: 12 August 2008 at 03:54 | IP Logged
Thinking of playing SH 3 again, it's been a while. I have been playing some "Shells of Fury" WW1 game where you command one of the Kaiser's U-boats, much less complicated then SH 3 but missing a lot of the "chrome" that keeps you wanting to come back for more.
__________________ There are no roses on a sailors grave,
No lillies on an ocean wave,
The only tribute is a seagulls sweep,
And the teardrop that a sweetheart weeps.
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Pavel Matrosen-Stabsgefreiter

Joined: 12 February 2007 Location: Canada
Online Status: Offline Posts: 121
Posted: 24 September 2008 at 20:06 | IP Logged
Now that my days have become slightly more routine I'm contemplating installing SH3, patching to v1.4b, and installing GWX ontop of that. Then again, my computer can handle the demanding bastard that is GWX.
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Pavel Matrosen-Stabsgefreiter

Joined: 12 February 2007 Location: Canada
Online Status: Offline Posts: 121
Posted: 17 October 2008 at 06:05 | IP Logged
I have installed SH3 + GWX v2.1. First impressions were a little sketchy, I didn't like how they moved some things around but now I've gotten used to it and appreciate the increased efficiency.
One word descriptor will suffice to sum up the mod: "Hieleger-Schizer-Herr-Fliedermaus," assuming that if you hyphenate it remains one word.
The "Gerhard Schaal" campaign is into November of 1939 and has ~30,000 GRT sent to the bottom. The larger number of large merchantmen in GWX 2.1 make racking up these kinds of numbers easier in the early war years, before the Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm, and RAF Coastal Command really get their act together and start raping and pillaging the Ubootswaffe.
Fun story: Blundered into the middle of a convoy during a horrible storm off the coast of England, near the England/Scotland border. Literally right into the middle of it. Didn't see anything, don't have RADAR in '39, so the first indication I have I'm in the middle of a convoy is when I nearly hit a merchantman that looms out of the dark ahead of me. "Hieleger Schizer Herr Fliedermaus! RUDDER HARD STARBOARD! ENGINES AHEAD FLANK!"
So as I'm veering out of the way of this huge merchantman and trying to get a bearing on him so I can set up a torpedo shot on him with my stern tubes, I notice this other shape sliding down a wave infront of me. An even bigger merchant. "Fick miene alter steieffel!" So I give up the torpedo shot on them, and the helmsman slams rudder hard port, reversing the turn and bringing U-48 between the merchants, so close that merchant number two that I nearly scraped my lila kopf hosen schlanger off on their hull while taking a piss off the back of the turm, not that anyone would have noticed that I'd pissed myself in that squall.
So eventually they notice I'm there, and affix me with spotlights. I'm now blind - not that I could see well beforehand - and now I can hear the escorts freaking out. Here's how I know: They've started shooting. So I crash dive, but only after a shell hits me just aft of the tower and brings me down to 50% hull integrity. I crash dive and level off at 40 meters, because I don't want to risk the damaged hull. While still surrounded by the convoy, I get the noisy business of repairing and pumping out the flooded compartments dealt with, and then sprint off before going silent.
Forty-five minutes later, the convoy leaves, the escorts leave with it, and I get to limp back to Wilhelmshaven.
By the way, I tried the S-Boot mod under the career name "Wolfram Stahmer." Awesome mod, takes a little bit to get used to, but awesome.
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