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Posted: 30 July 2019 at 07:59 | IP Logged Quote zhouyueyue

Emergency contraception for contraceptive accidents Health Articles | January 5 Kieran Gibbs Arsenal Jersey , 2012

Contraceptive accidents have often been reported, which increase the risk of a woman having an unplanned pregnancy. Read below to learn more about the two popular emergency contraceptions.

Women who engage in a sexual relationship usually prefer using some form of protection. Until recently, condoms have been the most popular option and are commonly used as a method of contraception by couples. However, condoms have not proven to be 100% effective in preventing women from having an unplanned pregnancy. Many a times Joel Campbell Arsenal Jersey , during a sexual act, there are chances that couples experience a condom slip or a condom tear. This can only increase the risk of a women getting pregnant. However, many other contraceptive methods have been introduced in order to prevent such contraceptive accidents from making women pregnant. Daily contraceptive methods have helped women a lot.

The introduction of hormonal contraceptive methods brought about a generous change in the scenario as far as unplanned pregnancy was concerned. These methods are a form of daily contraception and have become quite popular amongst women. The three hormonal contraceptive methods include oral contraceptive pills, contraceptive patches and contraceptive rings. Oral contraceptive pills consist of synthetic female hormones that help in preventing unplanned pregnancy in women. A contraceptive pill can either be a combined pill or mini-pill Jeff Reine-Adelaide Arsenal Jersey , based on the hormones present in the pill. These pills have been proven to be almost 100% effective in preventing pregnancy.

However, at times, these contraceptive pill also have failed in preventing pregnancy. Such contraceptive accidents are common and that is where emergency contraceptive methods come into the picture. These methods have been proven to be effective in preventing pregnancy in women that may occur as a result of such contraceptive accidents. These methods are also termed as morning after pills, which are required to be taken within a span of 72 to 120 hours afterwards. The two most popular emergency contraception pills used by women across the globe are ellaOne and Levonelle. These pills consist of synthetic female hormones Jack Wilshere Arsenal Jersey , like the contraceptive pills.

Levonelle is the oldest morning-after pill used by women for preventing pregnancy after a contraceptive accident. This pill consists of levonorgestrel, synthetic progestogen, as its active ingredient. This emergency contraception works by tricking your body into believing that ovulation has already occurred so as to prevent the production of an egg. It then thickens the cervical mucus in your womb so as to prevent a sperm from entering and fertilising an egg. And lastly, Levonelle alters the womb lining so as to prevent an egg from attaching and growing further. This pill can be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex occurred.

The other popular and commonly used morning after pill is ellaOne. This pill has been found to be gaining popularity at a fast pace as unlike other pills it can be taken within 120 hours or five days afterwards. This pill consists of ulipristal acetate as its active ingredient. ellaOne is most effective if taken within the first couple of days afterwards. The effectiveness of the pill tends to decrease as more days pass. This pill is generally a well-tolerated pill Isaac Hayden Arsenal Jersey , however, a few women can experience certain side effects such as nausea, vomiting or painful periods.

Article Tags: Such Contraceptive Accidents, Emergency Contraception Hector Bellerin Arsenal Jersey , Contraceptive Accidents, Unplanned Pregnancy, Contraceptive Methods, Methods Have Granit Xhaka Arsenal Jersey , Such Contraceptive, These Methods, Preventing Pregnancy, Taken Within

Being women is tough and it becomes even tougher when the urge to pee comes knocking when out in open with nowhere safe to go and use the loo. From bus terminals to railway stations Gedion Zelalem Arsenal Jersey , cinema halls to even the remotely located food joints the problem of unsafe and unkempt washrooms don’t let the women enjoy their freedom to the fullest. While men have the option to just stand and pee, women on the other side have to properly squat down and pee. It is the fear of sanitation majorly that has kept millions of women in the country away from the public urinals and controlling their urges. But this will not continue any further as there are female pee devices in the market that give women the freedom to freely pee standing up.

Pocket-friendly & Disposable Female Urination Devices
Thankfully instead of squatting down and exposing while peeing, there’s a better way for the female hikers. Female Urination Devices (FUD) ensures that answering nature’s call does not bring any harm to the female’s dignity. FUDs are funnel-shaped urinary extenders that allow women to pee like men while standing and wearing their pants on. The devices are available in a range of shapes and sized and assure the females of convenience, easy-usage and spill-proof results. All-and-all the disposable FUDs is not just safe for the women’s health and hygiene but also ensure the safety of nature.
Following are the situations other than hiking when peeing standing up would come in handy for the females:

1. Camping- There are many public toilets in the country but the sanitation problem makes it tough to use. Plus Gabriel Arsenal Jersey , the isolated places where these restrooms are located in many parts of the country make it a tough choice to use them when nature calls in the middle of the night.

2. Wedding- Weddings are full of heavy dresses and pieces of jewellery especially for the bride and it all becomes a severe struggle when a sudden pee call arrives for the bride. A female pee . wholesale new air max   cheap jordan shoes   Cheap Air Max   Cheap Air Max 90   Cheap Air Max Shoes   nike air max 270 wholesale   clearance air max shoes wholesale   Cheap Air Max 270 Womens   Air Jordan 1 For Sale   Air Max 2018 Clearance 

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