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Joined: 10 January 2018
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Posted: 07 February 2018 at 06:30 | IP Logged Quote coinning

Most wilderness survival situations start out innocently enough; a fishing trip with friends Cheap Pierre Garcon Jersey , a day hike on a familiar trail, or a simple hunting trip. Then suddenly something goes wrong and you are now faced with a life and death situation. For some reason you had forgotten to plan in advance for the unexpected or miscalculated the risks involved in your trip and now you are facing the unexpected. Maybe you just got caught out in the dark without a light or lost your way off the established trail without a compass or GPS to get back out.

Before you start flailing yourself around and running off in circles the first thing to do is sit down and think and get your head right. Take an inventory of things you have; food, water, matches, etc., everything you can use. Then determine what to do based on your real situation. Are you lost or just stranded? Does someone else not with you know your whereabouts and is expecting your return? Does anything in the immediate surroundings look familiar to you? When you're lost and alone in the wilderness with little or no provisions it's easy to slip into depression and feel sorry for yourself. But pity parties seldom help. Learn to S.T.O.P. Stop-think-observe-plan. One mistake in the wilderness can have tremendous negative outcomes. You don't want to head off in the wrong direction and actual move further away from help. Or walk around in circles making it hard for help to find you. Break your leg in civilization and you will probably be able to find a ride to the hospital. Break a leg in the backcountry and good luck!

Assuming you have no idea where you are or which way to go and you have no means of directional help from a compass or GPS the smartest thing may be to stay where you are and let help find you. Take the inventory of items in your possession and put them to use to meet your basic needs.

1.Water purification tablets: After about three days without water bad things tend to happen. But we don't want to drink just any water. Always ask yourself will this water make me sick? Use any purification tablets you have or try boiling the water first. Learn ways to collect rain water or water from the morning dew. Water is a must but be smart about where the water is coming from. Purification tablets are small and inexpensive allowing them to be carried at all times in your day gear.

2. High energy bars: You can live a number of days without food and unless you are an expert in wilderness foliage I do not recommend that you scurry about the forest floor in search of fruits and berries. This can be a very dangerous proposition. If you are by water fish may be caught for food or small animals may be trapped. But high energy bars can provide a good source of protein and carbs and will keep a long time.

3. Poncho or small tarp: Exposure presents an enormous survival problem. Protect yourself from hypothermia or heat stroke. Learn in advance how to make a shelter from the natural surroundings. Get inside a hollowed out tree stump or under some heavy foliage. And Stay Dry! A poncho or small tarp can be used for make shift tents and keep you dry.

4. Magnesium fire starter: Learn how to make a fire without matches and always carry a way to make fire with you whenever you get off the payment like water proof matches. Magnesium fire starters are light, small and too inexpensive to not have one at all times in your daypack. They work wet or dry.

5. Whistle and mirror: Signal for help with the whistle and mirror you brought or use a large bon fire to signal.

Carrying these 5 basic items will not overburden your load or break your bank Cheap Elvis Dumervil Jersey , but they may save your life. Store them in a little bag and move them to the backpack you will be using that day. And of course, if you have room add to this basic list with items such as; flashlight, knife or hatchet, or GPS. have fun and stay safe. Cleanliness and hygiene of professional workplaces are integral to increase their productivity and create a lasting impression on their clients. At the same time, keeping an office sparkling clean can be a daunting task due to continual footfall. In this regard, it is always wise to entrust this job upon the experts of commercial cleaning. These are the professional companies providing comprehensive cleaning services at affordable costs. If you are still skeptical, here are the reasons that will induce you to hire these experts instantly:

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