xiangjiao524 Matrosen-Gefreiter
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Posted: 23 June 2020 at 05:05 | IP Logged
Welcome to our guide in First Aid in WoW Classic! First Aid is one of three secondary occupations, with Fishing and Cooking alone. In addition to two primary occupations, which include professions such as herbalism and alchemy, being a secondary occupation means that it can be learned. As in other professions, the max level in First Aid is 300.
First Aid requires players to use bandages to craft and heal themselves, and to craft anti-venom to prevent poison damage. Such objects can also be used on other players and on certain NPCs as well. Bandages can be made out of cloth which falls from most humanoids, with higher quality cloth resulting in more effective bandages.
First Aid should be one of the earliest professions you pick up, because it is very useful to have self-healing given while progressing, particularly if you are playing a class that does not heal. Anti-venom consumables can be produced from venom sacs dropping from venomous monsters (Large Venom Sac, Massive Venom Sac, etc.) such as scorpids, spiders, and most insecticidal creatures.
In this guide, WOWclassicgp will go through First Aid in WoW Classic, such as its benefits, usages, trainer locations, recipe locations, and suggested methods to get to 300.
Benefits of First Aid
There¡¯s plenty of benefits to First Aid. First aid helps to minimise downtime between fights, as bandages can restore post-combat health quickly. First Aid can also aid classes with healing spells, as using a bandage can help to preserve mana. Hunter and Warlock players can also apply bandages, respectively, to their pets and demons. Players can use bandages in PvP encounters to regain their health while in battle or triage other injured players who do not actively suffer damage. First Aid helps to maintain mana and casts for healers in dungeons, raids and PvP environments, as bandages allow players to heal themselves and each other while not taking any damage. Characters below level 35 can increase their First Aid ability to 225 to use Heavy Runecloth Bandage, provided the bandages are created by another character. This is particularly important for players who build twink characters within this range of levels. As they will have access to much more effective bandages, this can also help with levelling alt characters. Learning and levelling of all secondary professions is strongly recommended for all players (and considered mandatory for raiding and PvP), as they provide additional utility and alternate gold-earning methods.
Healing with Bandages
Bandages can be applied only once every 60 seconds to the same player / NPC, because bandages add the Recently Bandaged debuff, which is similar to the Weakened Soul. If the player applying the bandage or the player / NPC being bandaged causes damage, the healing effect is cancelled and the Recently Bandaged debuff is still applied. The player applying the bandage must not move, or it will cancel the channelling effect. Furthermore, as long as they stay within range the player / NPC being bandaged is free to pass. Bandages have a 15-yard radius when used on other players / NPCs.
Using Anti-Venom
Anti-venom consumables function like a normal consumable, with a cooldown of 60 seconds. Anti-venom is essential for PvP, dungeon and raid boss encounters-for example, using Powerful Anti-Venom to remove the Brood Affliction: Green debuff in the Chromaggus encounter in Blackwing Lair, or removing the Debilitating Poison from the enemy Rogue. Anti-Venom is also good as it frees up another cast for healers to use.
Trainer Locations
Players can learn Apprentice First Aid from any First Aid teacher, located in every major city and many other towns (typically in the starting area such as Razor Hill in Durotar). Not all First Aid trainers can train outside of Journeyman First Aid, though. Some important First Aid skills can only be obtained from the following sources: Professional First Aid-Under Wraps, Manual: Strong Silk Bandage, Manual: Mageweave Bandage, and Formula: Effective Anti-Venom. Artisan First Aid can only be qualified by Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen and Doctor Gregory Victor once the 'Triage' quest is complete.
Alliance Trainers
There¡¯s, Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen, required for Artisan First Aid, who located on the first floor of the Foothold Citadel Barracks at Theramore in Dustwallow Marsh (67.6, 48.8). Byancie is located on the north side of Dolanaar in Teldrassil, within the large tree building (55.2, 56.8). Dannelor is situated on the Darnassus Craftsmen's Terrace, west of the First Aid building (51.6, 12.6). Fremal Doohickey is located on the second floor of the Deepwater Tavern, at Menethil Harbor in Wetlands (10.8, 61.2). Michelle Belle is situated on the second floor of the Lion's Pride Inn (43.4, 65.6) in Goldshire, in Elwynn Forest. Nissa Firestone is situated near the Ironforge Great Forge, in the Ironforge Physicist's House (54.8, 58.6). And lastly, there¡¯s Thamner Pol, who is at Kharanos in Dun Moroph, inside the Thunderbrew Distillery (47.2, 52.6).
Horde Trainers
There¡¯s Doctor Gregory Victor. He is located at Hammerfall in the Arathi Highlands, in the large building on the southwest side (73.4, 36.8). He is needed for Artisan First Aid. Arnok sits on the west side of the Valley of the Spirits in Orgrimmar (34, 84.4). Mary Edras is located in Undercity's Rogues' Ward, in the inner cloister (73.6, 55.6). Nurse Neela is situated within the Gallows End Tavern at Brill in Tirisfal Glades (61.8, 52.8). Pand Stonebinder is in the Spirit Raise building in Mulgore, in the Spiritual Healing building (29.6, 21.4). Rawrk is located in Durotar at Razor Hill, within the Razor Hill Barracks (54, 42). Vira Younghoof is located at Village Bloodhoof in Mulgore, within the inn (46.8, 60.8).
Expert First Aid
To learn Expert First Aid, you¡¯ll need to purchase Expert First Aid ¨C Under Wraps at 125 First Aid Skill, sold by: Deneb Walker is situated on the northeast side of the chapel at Stromgarde Keep, in the Arathi Highlands (27.2, 58.8), and Balai Lok'Wein who is situated in the village of Brackenwall in Dustwallow Marsh, between caravans on the north side (36.4, 30.4). They also sell the Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage and Manual: Mageweave Bandage.
Triage Quest
The quest Alliance Trauma / Horde Trauma will become accessible once you reache level 35 and a First Aid capacity of 225. This search for breadcrumb leads to Triage. The quest for breadcrumb is optional and not required, so players can travel to Arathi Highlands (Doctor Gregory Victor) or Dustwallow Marsh (Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen) to pick up the quest for 'Triage' as long as they reach the level and the skill requirements. The criteria for the 'Triage' search are to save 15 patients without the death of 6 patients, which can be re-attempted if it fails. The Triage Bandage given shall be used to save the patients. Players can learn Artisan First Aid as a reward once the 'Triage' quest is complete. When you heal, prioritize healing in the order of: Critically Injured, Badly Injured, Injured and then the most recent spawn. Enable the ¡®Show NPC Names¡¯ in the Interface Options and press Ctrl+V to show the NPCs¡¯ health bars. Also, position yourself in the middle of the room so that all the patients are within range, and zoom your camera out. Put the Triage Bandage item on an easily accessible bar.
Levelling Guide
As with all World of Warcraft professions, the player earns skill points when he performs a specific task. The frequency at which certain skill points are earned by the player is proportional to their current skill level. You can see this through the colour codes: Orange ¨C Always granting a skill point, Yellow ¨C Frequently granting a skill point, Green ¨C Infrequently granting a skill point and Gray ¨C Never granting a skill point.
This selection of skill ranges includes requires Cloth x119 and Wool Cloth x55 as a minimum. First, train apprentice first aid. Then craft linen bandages from 1 to 40. Then, train Heavy Linen Bandage from 41 to 50. Then train Journeyman First Aid. Craft Heavy Linen Bandage from 51 to 80. Then Wool Bandage from 81 to 115. Then Train Heavy Wool Bandage from 116 to 125.
This skill range requires Wool Cloth x50, Silk Cloth x90, Mage weave Cloth x15 at a minimum. First, purchase the Expert First Aid ¨C Under Wraps, and the Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage and Manual: Meage Weave Bandage from either the First Aid vendors or the Auction House. Then, learn expert first aid from Expert First Aid ¨C Under Wraps. Then, craft Heavy Wool Bandage from 126 to 150. Then, craft Silk Bandage from 151 to 180. Then craft Heavy Silk Bandage from 181 to 210. Then, crafting mage weave bandage from 211 to 225.
This skill requires Mage weave cloth x55 and Rune cloth x50 at a minimum. First, you¡¯ll need to craft Mage Weave Bandage from 226 to 240. Then, craft Heavy Mage Weave Bandage from 241 to 260. Then, crafting Rune Cloth Bandage 261 to 290. Finally, craft Heavy Rune Cloth Bandage from 290 to 300.
Best First Aid Recipes
There¡¯s a few highly used first aid recipes from Deneb Walker at the Stromgarde Keep in Arathi Highlands, on the north east by the chapel. Deneb Walker sells: The Expert First Aid ¨C Under Wraps, Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage, Manual: Mage Weave Bandage. There¡¯s also Balai Lok¡¯Wein, who is found at Brackenwall Village in Dustwallow Marsh, which is between the caravans on the north side. Balai Lok¡¯Wein sells: The Expert First Aid ¨C Under Wraps, Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage, Manual: Mage Weave Bandage. Also, argent Dawn Quartermasters sell the Formula: Powerful Anti-Venom.
Further uses of First Aid in WoW Classic
Ahn¡¯Qiraj War Efforts Quests (Phase 5)
Completing these quests helps classic wow gold collectors to earn the reputation of a farm faction or Ahn'Qiraj War Effort Supplies by handing in the signets of commendation. Those quests, however, are only available during the Phase 5 Ahn'Qiraj War Effort event. The quests are: The Alliance Needs Linen Bandages, The Alliance Needs Silk Bandages, The Alliance Needs Rune Cloth Bandages, The Horde Needs Wool Bandages, The Horde Needs Mage Weave Bandages and The Horde Needs Rune Cloth Bandages.
PvP Bandages (Phase 3)
Players can purchase these bandages from Supply Officer vendors rather than making their own bandages. Phase 3 will implement Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley, and Phase 4 will implement Arathi Lake. From Arathi Basin, you can get the Arathi Basin Silk Bandage, Arathi Basin Mage Weave Bandage, Arathi Basin Rune Cloth Bandage, Defiler¡¯s Silk Bandage, Defiler¡¯s Mage Weave Bandage, Defiler¡¯s Rune Cloth Bandage, Highlander¡¯s Silk Bandage, Highlander¡¯s Mage Weave Bandage and the Highlanders Rune Cloth Bandage. From Alterac Valley, you can get the Alterac Heavy Rune Cloth Bandage. From Warsong Gulch, you can get the Warsong Gulch Silk Bandage, the Warsong Gulch Mage Weave Bandage and the Warsong Gulch Rune Cloth Bandage.
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