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Books, sources and references

A small selection of specialist books and journals that cover the story of Günther Prien and U-47 have been consulted in creating this online resource. Key details of all of the main sources used are listed below, with publication details. Some of these books are available from amazon, and have been listed on the bookstore page.

  • War diaries (Kriegstagebücher or KTB) of U-47
    (US National Archives & Records Administration Ref. T1022/2970 and T1022/2971).
  • March 1940 edition of Allegemeine Baubestimmungen Nr.31
    (building regulations form Nr. 31).
  • Short summary of the military career of Günther Prien
    Deutsche Dienstelle (WASt), 13403 Berlin
  • Alman, Karl
    Günther Prien: Der Wolf und sein Admiral
    (Starnberg: Druffel Verlag, 1981)
  • Alman, Karl
    "Der Legendäre Kommandant von U-47", Landser Grossband Nr. 784
    (Rastatt: Verlagsunion Erich Pabel-Arthur Moewig KG, 1990)
  • Beaver, Paul
    U-Boats In The Atlantic
    (Wellingborough: Patrick Stephens Ltd., 1979)
  • Blair, Clay
    Hitler's U-boat War, Vol. 1: The Hunters, 1939-42
    (London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson Military, 2000)
  • Breyer, Siegfried & Koop, Gerhard
    The German Navy At War 1935-1945 Volume 2: The U-Boat
    (Altglen, PA: Schiffer Military History, 1991)
  • Brown, Malcolm & Meehan, Patricia
    Scapa Flow: The Story of Britain's Greatest Naval Anchorage in Two World Wars
    (London: Pan Macmillan, 2002)
  • Busch, R. and Rüll, H.J.
    "Günther Prien: Die Feindfahrten des legendären U-Boot-Kommandanten",
    Landser Grossband Nr. 891
    (Rastatt: Verlagsunion Erich Pabel-Arthur Moewig KG, 1994)
  • Dallies-Labourdette, Jean-Philippe
    U-Boote 1935-1945: The History Of The Kriegsmarine U-Boats
    (Histoire & Collections, 1996)
  • Dönitz, Karl
    Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty Days
    (Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 1997)
  • Dunmore, Spencer, Marschall, Ken and Archbold, Rick
    Lost Subs
    (Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 2002)
  • Frank, Wolfgang
    Der Stier von Scapa Flow
    (Oldenburg: Gerhard Stalling Verlag, 1958)
  • Frank, Wolfgang
    Enemy Submarine: The Story of Günther Prien, Captain of U-47
    (London: William Kimber, 1954)
  • Frank, Wolfgang
    Prien greift an
    (Hamburg: Hans Köhler Verlag, 1942)
  • Herlin, Hans
    Verdammter Atlantik: Schicksale deutscher U-Boot-Fahrer
    (Verlegt bei Kaiser, 1960)
  • Högel, Georg
    U-Boat Emblems Of World War II 1939-1945
    (Altglen, PA: Schiffer Military History, 1999)
  • Hoyt, Edwin P.
    U-Boats: A Pictorial History
    (London: Stanley Paul & Co. Ltd., 1987)
  • Jung, Dieter. Abendroth, Arno. Kelling, Norbert.
    Anstriche und Tarnanstriche der deustschen Kriegsmarine (Painting and Camouflage of the German Navy)
    (Bonn: Bernard & Graefe Verlag, 1997)
  • Korganoff, Alexandre
    The Phantom of Scapa Flow: The daring exploit of the U-47
    (Shepperton, Surrey: Ian Allan Ltd., 1974)
  • Lakowski, Richard
    Die Deutschen Uboote Geheim 1939-1945 (German U-Boat Secrets 1939-1945)
    (Berlin: Brandenburgisches Verlagshaus, 1997)
  • Mallmann-Showell, Jak P.
    7th U-Boat Flotilla
    (Shepperton, Surrey: Ian Allan Ltd., 2003)
  • Mallmann-Showell, Jak P.
    Hitler's U-Boat Bases
    (Stroud: Sutton Publishing Ltd., 2002)
  • Mallmann-Showell, Jak P.
    U-Boat Commanders and Crews
    (Ramsbury, Wilts: The Crowood Press Ltd., 1998)
  • Miller, David
    U-Boats: The Illustrated History Of The Raiders Of The Deep
    (London: Pegasus Publishing Ltd., 2000)
  • Nowarra, Heinz J.
    German U-Boat Type VII: Grey Wolves Of The Sea
    (Altglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1992)
  • Preston, Anthony
    The World's Great Submarines
    (Leicester: Blitz Editions, 1998)
  • Prien, Günther
    Mein Weg nach Scapa Flow
    (Berlin: Deutscher Verlag, 1940)
  • Prien, Günther
    U-Boat Commander
    (Stroud, Gloucestershire & Charleston, SC: Tempus Publishing, 2000)
  • Rössler, Eberhard
    Die deutschen Uboote und ihre Werften
    (Bernard & Graefe Verlag, 1990)
  • Rössler, Eberhard
    The U-Boat: The Evolution and Technical History of German Submarines
    (London: Cassell & Co., 2001)
  • Rohwer, Jrgen
    Axis Submarine Successes of World War Two: German, Italian and Japanese Successes, 1939-1945
    (London: Greenhill Books; Annapolis, MD: Naval Institure Press, 1999)
  • Schenk, Dr. Peter
    "Scapa Flow and the U-47", After The Battle Vol. 72, pp. 12-25
    (London: Battle of Britain Prints International Ltd., 1991)
  • Snyder, Gerald S.
    The Royal Oak Disaster
    (San Rafael, CA: Presidio Press, 1976)
  • Stern, Robert C.
    Battle Beneath The Waves
    (London: Cassell Military Paperbacks, 1999)
  • Stern, Robert C.
    Type VII U-Boats
    (London: Brockhampton Press, 1998)
  • Trojca, Waldemar
    Ubootwaffe, Marine-Kleinkampfverbände 1939-1945
    (Katowice: Wydawnictwo Model-Hobby, 2004)
  • Trojca, Waldemar
    U-Boote Typ II, VII, IX
    (Katowice: Wydawnictwo Model-Hobby, 2004)
  • Trojca, Waldemar
    Ubootwaffe 1939-1945 Cz.1 (Encyklopedia Okretow Wojennych Nr. 10)
    (AJ-Press, 1998)
  • Trojca, Waldemar
    Ubootwaffe 1939-1945 Cz.4 (Encyklopedia Okretow Wojennych Nr. 13)
    (AJ-Press, 1999)
  • Westwood, David
    Anatomy Of A Ship: The Type VII U-Boat
    (London: Conway Marine Press, 1998)
  • Weaver, H. J.
    Nightmare at Scapa Flow
    (London: Cressrelles Publishing Company Ltd., 1980)
  • Williamson, Gordon
    Kriegsmarine U-Boats 1939-1945 (1) (New Vanguard 51)
    (Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2002)
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6:27:37 on Thursday, 27th March