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The Captain's Cabin: Kriegsmarine Music CDs

Thirty-six U-Boat and Kriegsmarine Tracks

From traditional sea shanties through to more belligerent contemporary wartime verse, the Lieder was something every Kriegsmarine recruit was familiar with. These songs promoted a unity and camaraderie among members of the service, and often boosted morale at times when pickings were slim and spirits might have been flagging.

A collection of thirty-six specially selected U-Boot and Kriegsmarine songs on two CDs is now available from u47.org, with all proceeds going towards the maintenance and upkeep of this valuable historical and educational online resource. These CDs are available to UK customers for 8.00 GBP including postage and packaging, with an additional postage cost of 1.50 GBP for mainland Europe and 3.00 GBP for the United States and Canada.

Track List

Disc One:

Die Stunde hat geschlagen, Wir haben Tag und Nacht kein Auge zugemacht, Heute wollen fahren gegen Engelland, U-Boote am Feind, Torpedo los!, Atlantik Marsch, Das kann doch einen Seemann nicht erschüttern, Das muß den ersten Seelord doch erschüttern, In den Ostwind hebt die Fahnen, Ich geh' auf große Fahrt Marie, Heut' stechen wir ins blaue Meer, Heut' geht es an Bord, Gruß an Kiel, Michel horch der Seewind pfeift, Panzerschiff Deutschland, U-Boot nach vorn, Wenn das Schifferklavier, J'attendrai

Disc Two:

Einen Hafen voller Matrosen, Flotten Marsch, Wo Matrosen sind, Seemanns Los, Ritter der Nordsee, Lustig ist's Matrosenleben, Lied vom deutschen U-Boot-Mann, Gold und Silber, Fahren wir weit übers Meer, Lied der Minensucher, Kameraden auf See, Mit vollen Segeln, Rüber über den Kanal, Seeräuberlied, Unsere Marine, Windstärke-12, Wir sind Kameraden auf See, It's a long way to Tipperary

You can make your purchase securely by credit card using the Paypal system by clicking the appropriate payment button for your region. If you wish to order from a country outside of these listed regions, please e-mail us at glassorders@u47.org for further details.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to pay by cheque (Sterling only) or international money order/bank transfer, please send us an e-mail with your order details.

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13:45:47 on Thursday, 27th March